7月20日(土)より “Out of the BLUE ” 展を開催いたします

Fuji Gallery Shinjuku, located on the basement floor of the Hilton Tokyo in Nishi-Shinjuku, will host the blue-themed exhibition "Out of the BLUE" from 20th July (Sat) to 1st September (Sun) 2024.

According to many statistics, the most favorite color in the world is blue, regardless of age or gender. When we see the bright blue of the ocean or the sky, we feel freedom, peace and infinity, and feel a sense of openness and security. On the other hand, the calm, deep blue is mysterious, prompting us to reflect and sometimes making us feel a sense of desolation. Blue has so many different faces and evokes so many different emotions in us. We must be fascinated by the color blue's diverse symbolism.

The title of the exhibition "Out of the BLUE" means "suddenly". It is a shortened version of the phrase "out of the clear blue yonder", which is similar in nuance to the Japanese phrase "Seiten no Hekireki. (a bolt from the blue)". This title is based on the hope that an unexpected encounter with blue works of (Ms.)Ayumi AOKI, (Mr.)Shin ITAGAKI, (Ms.)Tomoko ITO, and (Ms.)Kiyomi IRIE will be a refreshing break from this sweltering summer heat.

Please come and visit us.

” Out of the BLUE “ 展




東京都新宿区西新宿6-6-2 ヒルトン東京 地下1階 ヒルトピアショッピングアーケード内)

青木 愛弓/Ayumi AOKI  「水辺の記憶 031」  (Memory of the Waterfront)  2023年  キャンバス、アクリル絵具  acrylic on canvas  φ275mm

青木 愛弓/Ayumi AOKI
「水辺の記憶 031」/ (Memory of the Waterfront)
キャンバス、アクリル絵具 / acrylic on canvas

板垣  晋/Shin ITAGAKI  ”Mountain”  2022年  油彩、キャンバス  oil on canvas  1000×652mm

板垣 晋/Shin ITAGAKI
油彩、キャンバス / oil on canvas

入江 清美/Kiyomi IRIE  「静かの海2」  (Sea of Tranquility 2)  2023年  キャンバス、アクリル、石膏  acrylic and plaster on canvas  515×728mm

入江 清美/Kiyomi IRIE
「静かの海2」/(Sea of Tranquility 2)
キャンバス、アクリル、石膏 / acrylic and plaster on canvas

伊藤 朋子/Tomoko ITO  「光のあいだ - marble」  (Between the Light - marbles)  2022年  油彩、キャンバスキャンバス  oil on canvas  1167×803mm

伊藤 朋子/Tomoko ITO
「光のあいだ - marble」 / (Between the Light - marbles)
油彩、キャンバスキャンバス / oil on canvas

青木愛弓 / Ayumi AOKI

Born in Tokyo, Japan
BFA in Oil Painting, Tokyo University of the Arts
MFA in Mural Painting, Tokyo University of the Arts
Solo exhibitions at Fuji Gallery Shinjuku (Tokyo) and B-gallery (Tokyo), as well as numerous group exhibitions.
Participated in exhibitions in Italy and China.
Many of her paintings have been exhibited in public facilities and private residences.

板垣 晋 / Shin ITAGAKI

Born in Yamagata Prefecture
BA in Mechanical Engineering, Ibaraki University,
Graduated from Tokyo Design College, Creative Art Department
Participated in artist-in-residence programs in Hungary, Iceland and Kyoto.
Solo exhibitions at Fuji Gallery Shinjuku and many other group exhibitions.

伊藤 朋子 / Tomoko ITO

Born in Tokyo, Japan
BFA in Oil Painting, Musashino Art University
MFA in Oil Painting, Musashino Art University
25th scholarship recipient of the Sato International Cultural Scholarship Foundation.
Numerous solo and group exhibitions at Fuji Gallery Shinjuku.

入江 清美 / Kiyomi IRIE

Born in Kanagawa Prefecture
BFA in Oil Painting, Tama Art University, Major in Oil Painting
MFA in Oil Painting, Tama Art University, Oil Painting Course
14th scholarship recipient of the Sato International Cultural Scholarship Foundation.
Solo exhibitions at Fuji Gallery Shinjuku, etc., and numerous group exhibitions.
Participated in art fairs in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, China, and France.
Many of her works are collected by private residences and house builders.
Also actively developing Order Art (custom-made art).