松下誠子 在廊予定日
西新宿のヒルトン東京 地下1階に位置するフジギャラリー新宿では、本年2月の松下誠子「中庭の束縛」展に続き、2度目となる同アーティストの「窓枠の叛乱」展を2024年12月21日(土)より2025年1月31日(金)まで開催いたします。「中庭の束縛」展は長い制作活動の中で描いた未発表のドローイング作品とビデオ作品、今回の「窓枠の叛乱」展ではインスタレーションと2枚のパラフィン紙を用いたドローイング作品を展示いたします。2回の展覧会は、フェミニズムアーティストとしてカテゴライズされることの多いアーティストの過去から未来への軌跡を追うものです。

(レイヤードローイング / 上の2枚で構成)
(layered drawing composed with separate two drawings)
oil pastel & charcoal on paraffin paper 295×210mm
松下 誠子展「窓枠の叛乱」展
- 会期:2024年12月21日(土)〜 2025年1月31日(金)
- 時間 :10:00-18:00
- 休廊日:月曜日、火曜日および1月1日、2日
- 会場:フジギャラリー新宿
(ヒルトン東京B1F / ヒルトピア インフォメーションセンター/スペース32併設) - フジギャラリー新宿アクセスについて
「さよならが言えないで」(Words Left Unspoken)
(レイヤードローイング / layered drawing)
oil pastel, charcoal & oil paints on paraffin paper
610×450mm -
「ひとりでいなさい」(Stay Alone)
(レイヤードローイング / layered drawing)
oil pastel, charcoal & oil paints on paraffin paper
窓枠の叛乱(アーティスト・ステートメント) / Rebellion of Window Frame(Artist’s Statement)
時折、私の 脳裏には窓全体が図になるものを何も持たず、地となる平べったい空だけの風景が浮かぶ。風が運ぶ汽笛の音や鋭い野鳥の声、囚人が逃げた夜のヒステリックな警報の音が図となることもあるし、窓枠の隅に雪の吹き溜まりを見つけることもあったが、刻々と色を変えていつしか暗闇になっていく風景を飽きることなく眺め続けた日々がある。それは終焉ではなくいつか来る新しさへの誘惑ではなかったのか。今、私はその誘惑に身を任せてみることで、過去を歩きながら実に向かう図の風景を描き写す試みをしてみようと思う。

- 2024
- 中庭の束縛(フジギャラリー新宿/東京)
- 2023
- 落下する玩具 ― 良心をさがして(太郎平画廊/東京)
- 2022
- Mother’s Voice-Images for the animation(ALELIER・K/横浜)
- 2021
燃えるスカート(UMAKART Gallery/ブルノ/チェコ)
不可侵のパラフィンドレス・リボンのキャンペーン(学習院女子大学文化交流ギャラリー/ 東京) - 2022
- 家の舌(RED AND BLUE Gallery/東京)
- 2018
- 革命前夜2 - 風景が変わる時(RED AND BLUE Gallery/東京)
- 2017
- Gun-zo(Gallery Hasu no hana/東京( 2014 赦される庭 )
- 2016
- Security Blanke(パフォーマンス&インタビュー)( ギャラリー・ルデコ/東京)
- 2014
- わたしの中の異物 - ヴァイオレンス(東邦画廊/東京)
- 2012
- わたしの中の異物(双ギャラリー/東京)
- 2010
- INNER - 彼女は自分の事で忙しい(Soh Gallery K3/東京)
- 2002
- Security Blanket(パフォーマンス&インタビュー)(アート・ポジションズ/マルセイユ/フランス)
- 2001
Zone of Retardation(ギャラリー・モニカプレス/ドイツ)
Security Blanket(パフォーマンス&インタビュー)(ケルンアルトシュタッド/ドイツ) - 2000
- Self Portraits(アンザイアート・オフィス/東京)
- 1999
- ガレリアキマイラ/東京
- 1998
- 遅滞(ギャラリー・クラマー/東京)
- 1997
- 微妙な消息(インフォミューズ/東京)
- 1994
- 球に向かう瞬間の中有(ギャラリー日鉱/東京)
- 1992
- 微笑(ギャラリーK /東京)
- 2023
Summer Exhibition 2023(Galleri Heike ArndtDK/ケティンゲ/デンマーク)
Women’s Lives 女たちは生きている(さいたま市プラザノースギャラリー/埼玉) - 2022
- Galleri Heike Arndt/ベルリン&ケティンゲ/ドイツ&デンマーク
- 2021
Das Fremde in der Isolation - 孤立のストレンジャー(Hall Zollstock/ケルン/ドイツ) - 2019
- 彼女たちは叫ぶ、ささやくーヴァルネラブルな集合体が世界を変える(東京都美術館)
- 2017
- 本当のことは言わない(HAGISO/東京)
- 2015
- HOSPITAL ART(Hasu no hana/東京)
- 2013
五人展(東邦画廊/東京) - 2012
- ART田ノ島39(野外展/豊橋)
- 2010
- 双ギャラリー25周年記念展(Soh Gallery K3/東京)
- 2006
- Art Full アート湧くはけの森(小金井市立はけの森美術館/東京)
- 2001
Belle de jour(アーヘン/ドイツ)
Zalzmannbau(デュッセルドルフ/ドイツ) - 1999
- Zoomo, Stadtische Kunstsammlung Escweiler(エシュバイラー/ドイツ)
- 1998
- Tokyo Rooms(ギャラリー アーティクル/ケルン/ドイツ)
- 1996
- Nature-Material and Image(アートハウス美術館&エンハロット美術館/イスラエル)
- 1995
- 褄恋芸術祭(野外展/褄恋高原)
- 1992
Located on the basement floor of the Hilton Tokyo in Nishi-Shinjuku, Fuji Gallery Shinjuku will host its second exhibition of contemporary artist Seiko MATSUSHITA, titled Rebellion of Window Frame, from Saturday, December 21, 2024, to Friday, January 31, 2025. This follows the artist's earlier exhibition, Shackled to the Courtyard, held in February of this year. While Shackled to the Courtyard showcased unpublished drawings and video works from the artist's extensive career, Rebellion of Window Frame will present installations and several works created by layering two drawings on paraffin paper. These two exhibitions trace the artist’s trajectory, often categorized as a feminist artist, from past to future.

shoe, oil painting, stocking, wood, stone clay
We look forward to welcoming you to the galley.
“camp”(レイヤードローイング / 上の2枚で構成)
oil pastel & charcoal on paraffin paper
Seiko MATSUSHITA’s solo exhibition “Rebellion of Window Frame”
- Saturday, 21st December, 2024 〜 Friday. 31st January, 2025
- OPEN / CLOSE 10:00-18:00
- Closed: Monday, Tuesday, and January 1 (Wednesday) and 2 (Thursday)
- Fuji Gallery Shinjuku
(Hilton Tokyo B1F, 6-6-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku) - Access to Fuji Gallery Shinjuku
「さよならが言えないで」(Words Left Unspoken)
(レイヤードローイング / layered drawing)
oil pastel, charcoal & oil paints on paraffin paper
610×450mm -
「ひとりでいなさい」(Stay Alone)
(レイヤードローイング / layered drawing)
oil pastel, charcoal & oil paints on paraffin paper
330×480mm 330×485mm
Artist’s Statement
The exhibition program at the FUJI GALLERY SHINJUKU is divided into the “Shackled to the Courtyard” exhibition and the “Rebellion of Window Frame” exhibition. The first show featured a collection of drawings that had remained unpublished and dormant for many years. Confronting works that had already been completed felt less like an act of subjective affection and more like the pendulum of time swinging dangerously close to prickly thorns. This led me to construct a metaphoric "courtyard" within myself, erecting walls of restraint that left no exit. I thought that if the process of such confrontation were to produce a surplus, it might allow me to create a door leading from the "courtyard" to a passageway that connects to the outside world. Fortunately, such a surplus emerged. However, I was suddenly struck by an image of the four frames of a window disintegrating and scattering downward. Like Nietzsche’s Horse, these scattered window frames seemed to abandon their roles. In the intolerable conditions of this world, where I find myself powerless to take any meaningful action, it felt as if, before I could descend into madness, the window frames had risen in rebellion as if to take my place.
Is this despair, or is it a temptation toward something new?
If there is even the slightest temptation toward newness, it must be because the window possesses a gaze akin to that of a painting’s frame. While doors allow free passage, windows are complex, boundary-like entities that function as intricate "eyes."
At times, my mind conjures up an image of a window with no “figure” to hold, containing only the flat expanse of a sky that serves as its “ground.” Sometimes the sound of a train whistle carried by the wind, the sharp cries of wild birds, or the pulsating alarm on the night air, as a prisoner escaping becomes the figure. Other times, I notice a drift of snow piled in the corner of the window frame. There were days when I gazed tirelessly at a landscape that shifted its colors moment by moment until it inevitably faded into darkness. Those days were not an end but a temptation toward a newness yet to come. Now, by surrendering myself to that temptation, I aim to trace the figure's landscapes that emerge as I walk through the past and toward fruition.
Seiko MATSUSHITA / 松下誠子

Born in Hakodate City, Hokkaido, and lives in Kanagawa Pref.
Graduated from Kyoritsu Women’s University Learned metalworking.
<Selected Solo Exhibitions>
- 2024
- Shackled to the Courtyard(Fuji Gallery Shinjuku, Tokyo)
- 2023
- In Search of Conscience - Falling Toys(Tarohei Gallery, Tokyo)
- 2022
- Mother’s Voice-Images for the animation(ALELIER・K, Yokohama)
- 2021
Plamenné sukně(The Flammable Skirts)(UMAKART Gallery/Brno/Czech Republic)
Inviolable Paraffin dress-Ribbon Campaign(Gakushuin Women’s University Cultural Exchange Gallery, Tokyo) - 2022
- Home Tongue(RED AND BLUE Gallery, Tokyo)
- 2018
- The Eve of Revolution 2 - When the Scene Changes(RED AND BLUE Gallery, Tokyo)
- 2017
- Gun-zo(Gallery Hasu no hana, Tokyo)
- 2016
- Security Blanket(performance & interview)(Gallery Le Deco, Tokyo)
- 2014
- Foreign Objects Inside Me - Violence(Toho Gallery, Tokyo)
- 2012
- Foreign Objects Inside Me(Soh Gallery, Tokyo)
- 2010
- INNER – She is Busy for Herself(Soh Gallery K3, Tokyo)
- 2002
- Security Blanket(performance & interview)(Art Positions, Marseille, France)
- 2001
Zone of Retardation(Galerie M. Presse, Solingen, Germany)
Security Blanket(performance & interview)(Koln Altstadt, Germany) - 2000
- Self Portraits(Anazai Art Office, Tokyo)
- 1999
- Galleria Chimera, Tokyo
- 1998
- Retardation(Gallery Kurama, Tokyo)
- 1997
- Receptacle-Profound Tidings (Gallery Informuse, Tokyo)
- 1994
- The Existence of the Impulse Facing the Circle(Gallery NIKKO, Tokyo)
- 1992
- Smile(Gallery K, Tokyo)
<Selected Group Exhibitions>
- 2023
Summer Exhibition 2023(Galleri Heike Arndt DK, Kettinge, Demark)
Where you fall asleep, two-person exhibition(Fujisawa City Art Space, Kanagawa)
Women’s Lives - Saitama City Project(Saitama City North Gallery, Saitama) - 2022
- Galleri Heike Arndt(Berin, Germany and Kettinge, Demark)
- 2021
Loop beyond Art(Art Gallery CHIKA, Tokyo)
Das Framed inder ls Isolation(Halle Zollstock, Koln, Germany) - 2019
- The Shouts and Murmurs of Women - The Vulnerable Collective Will Change the World Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum)
- 2017
- Not Saying the Truth(HAGISO, Tokyo)
- 2015
- HOSPITAL ART(Hasu no hana, Tokyo)
- 2013
Seeking for Undiscovered(Dokutsugendai, Kanagawa)
5 Exhibition(Toho Gallery, Tokyo) - 2012
- ART Tanoshima 39(open air exhibition, Toyohashi)
- 2010
- The 25th Anniversary Exhibition(Soh Gallery K3, Tokyo)
- 2006
- Art Full (Koganei City Hakeno-mori Art Museum, Tokyo)
- 2001
Belle de jour(Atelierhaus Suesterfeld, Aachen, Germany)
Zalzmannbau(Dusseldorf, Germany) - 2000
- One Minute World Festivals(animation)(Sao Paulo, Brazil)
- 1999
- Zoomo, Stadtische Kunstsammlun(Eschweiler, Germany)
- 1998
- Tokyo Rooms(Gallery Article, Koln, German)
- 1996
- Nature-Material and Image(The Artist House Jerusalem & The Ein Harod Museum of Art, Israel)
- 1995
- Art Festival in Tsumakoi Kogen(open air sculpture)(Tsumakoi Kogen, Gunma Pref.)
- 1992
Korean Culture Foundation Fine Art Center, Seoul, Korea
SEISEI(Chonon Gallery, Korea)
お越しの際は下記画像「東京観光案内所」のマーク、ヒルトピア フロアマップの32を参考にお越しください。

We are closed on Monday and Tuesday.
The gallery will be open on Fridays during the exhibition.
For details, please see the exhibition information.
東京都新宿区西新宿6-6-2 ヒルトン東京B1F
フロアマップ32/ 観光案内所 併設
Hilton Tokyo B1F, 6-6-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
160-0023, Japan