Dora Williams

Dora Williams
Solo Exhibitions - 個展
2010 “Visual Art Society "Featured Artist of the Season” Grand Cayman - Cayman Islands
2007 "Gifts from the Sea" VAS Grand Cayman Group Exhibitions - Cayman Islands
2006 "Inspirations" Westin Resort Spa Grand Cayman- Cayman Islands
Group Exhibitions - グループ展
2016 Salon Des Refusés 2016 -Space Gallery, London UK
2016 Oxford international Art Fair - Oxford Town Hall - UK
2015 Narrative Collective Worcester Crown Gate UK
2014 Worcester Arts Workshop Exhibition
Commissions - 依頼
2007 Cayman Island Education department choose two paintings images: "Sea shell" and "Mrs Rose", to display on flags and banners at the celebration for the National hero
2008 Ritz Carlton Cayman Island
2011 Good taste magazine cover